Thursday, January 21, 2010

Career Goals

So I thought I would share my career goals for the next year or so. I want to hold myself accountable and what better way to do that than write it down for everyone to see?! This may not seem like it has much to do with Cale, but is has EVERYTHING to do with him. Everything I do, I do for him now. Even though I love my job, I hate leaving him every day. He is growing so fast and I don't want to spend half of his childhood away from him. I am hoping with every ounce of me that this photography thing works out. I want to be doing something I am passionate about SO bad! This is it! I can do this. How awesome is it that something I am so passionate about could allow me to spend more time with my family?!

So my goal is to be able to quit my job by the end of the year. Eek!

Something else I am going to work towards is becoming a doula. (Click here if you want to know what a doula is!) I had such an amazing birth experience and I want to help other moms achieve that! I will probably get started with that in the next few months. I am so thankful to have Jonny's aunt to help me find my way!

So let me tell you something cute that Cale did today... Jonny usually takes him and picks him up from daycare because it is on his way to work. Today I got off early so I picked him up and he actually got excited to see me! He was sooooo sleepy when I got there but he started smiling when he saw me. YAY! He was asleep when we got home so I left him in his car seat on the coffee table and went into the office. (I can see him from my desk) I heard him make a noise and saw he was awake so I went in there. As soon as he saw me coming he started smiling again! Aww, he loves me!!!! That is the best feeling in the world!

Speaking of.... Master Cale is calling his mommy right now!

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