Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hello Blog!

So I decided I needed a place to keep track of all of Cale's milestones and other exciting news that is going on in the Gipson household. This is mainly for me to look back on but you are welcome to come along!

So last night I was giving Cale a bath and I decided to feel his gums. He has been sucking on his hands a lot lately but I never thought it was because he was cutting TWO TEETH! Geez, kid... You are only 3 1/2 months old. Could we slow down for a minute please??? Jonny didn't believe me when I told him so I made him feel too. We hurried up and got him out of the bath to look and sure enough... there they are! Both of his bottom two teeth have already broken through and we barely even noticed him acting any different. He hasn't been sleeping as well but that is it! He was doing really well sleeping through the night then all of the sudden he started waking up a few times in the night. Hopefully teething is the cause for that! Mama needs her sleep!

Cale has also discovered that he can talk... A LOT in the last few days. He loves having "conversations" with mommy and daddy! He will say something then wait for us, we will ask him a question then wait for him. It is so much fun! Did you know that I am madly in love with this little guy?

Okay, now for the most exciting news of all... Our best friends have been matched with a birth mom and their baby is due February 23rd!!!! They started the adoption process about a year ago and it was starting to feel like it was never going to happen. Then BAM, you have a baby! We are SO SO SO excited for them! I can't even put into words how thrilled I am! I am pretty sure I have cried 3 or 4 times since finding out. They are going to be amazing parents and I cannot wait to meet Baby S!!!! (Cale is pretty excited too!)

One last thing. My photography business is in full swing! My website is new and improved and I have a wedding booked for June. I am so excited! I am offering some really good deals until I get my portfolio fully stocked so let me know if you are interested!

Until next time, good night blog!

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